Interface WebhookClient<T>

    • Method Detail

      • sendMessage

        WebhookMessageAction<T> sendMessage​(@Nonnull
                                            java.lang.String content)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
        content - The message content
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the content is null, empty, or longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • sendMessage

        WebhookMessageAction<T> sendMessage​(@Nonnull
                                            Message message)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
        message - The message to send
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the message is null
      • sendMessageFormat

        default WebhookMessageAction<T> sendMessageFormat​(@Nonnull
                                                          java.lang.String format,
                                                          java.lang.Object... args)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
        format - Format string for the message content
        args - Format arguments for the content
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the format string is null or the resulting content is longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • sendFile

        WebhookMessageAction<T> sendFile​(@Nonnull
                                         java.lang.String name,
                                         AttachmentOption... options)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.sendFile(file, "cat.png").addEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file or filename is null or empty.
      • sendFile

        default WebhookMessageAction<T> sendFile​(@Nonnull
                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        This is a shortcut to sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) by way of using File.getName().

        sendFile(file, file.getName())

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File data = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.sendFile(file, "cat.png").addEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file is null.
      • sendFile

        default WebhookMessageAction<T> sendFile​(@Nonnull
                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        The name parameter is used to inform Discord about what the file should be called. This is 2 fold:

        1. The file name provided is the name that is found in Message.Attachment.getFileName() after upload and it is the name that will show up in the client when the upload is displayed.
          Note: The fileName does not show up on the Desktop client for images. It does on mobile however.
        2. The extension of the provided fileName also determines how Discord will treat the file. Discord currently only has special handling for image file types, but the fileName's extension must indicate that it is an image file. This means it has to end in something like .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, etc. As a note, you can also not provide a full name for the file and instead ONLY provide the extension like "png" or "gif" and Discord will generate a name for the upload and append the fileName as the extension.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         byte[] data = IOUtils.readAllBytes(new FileInputStream("image.png")); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.sendFile(file, "cat.png").addEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file or filename is null or empty.
      • sendFile

        default WebhookMessageAction<T> sendFile​(@Nonnull
                                                 byte[] data,
                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Send a message to this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         byte[] data = IOUtils.readAllBytes(new FileInputStream("image.png")); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.sendFile(file, "cat.png").addEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

        data - The byte[] data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file or filename is null or empty.
      • editMessageById

        WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                      java.lang.String messageId,
                                                      java.lang.String content)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        content - The new message content to use
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided content is null, empty, or longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              java.lang.String content)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        content - The new message content to use
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided content is null, empty, or longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • editMessageById

        WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                      java.lang.String messageId,
                                                      Message message)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        message - The new message to replace the existing message with
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message is null
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              Message message)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        message - The new message to replace the existing message with
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message is null
      • editMessageFormatById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageFormatById​(@Nonnull
                                                                    java.lang.String messageId,
                                                                    java.lang.String format,
                                                                    java.lang.Object... args)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        format - Format string for the message content
        args - Format arguments for the content
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the formatted string is null, empty, or longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • editMessageFormatById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageFormatById​(long messageId,
                                                                    java.lang.String format,
                                                                    java.lang.Object... args)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        format - Format string for the message content
        args - Format arguments for the content
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the formatted string is null, empty, or longer than Message.MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH
      • editMessageEmbedsById

        WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageEmbedsById​(@Nonnull
                                                            java.lang.String messageId,
                                                            java.util.Collection<? extends MessageEmbed> embeds)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        embeds - MessageEmbeds to use (up to 10 in total)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided embeds are null, or more than 10
      • editMessageEmbedsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageEmbedsById​(long messageId,
                                                                    java.util.Collection<? extends MessageEmbed> embeds)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        embeds - MessageEmbeds to use (up to 10 in total)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided embeds are null, or more than 10
      • editMessageEmbedsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageEmbedsById​(@Nonnull
                                                                    java.lang.String messageId,
                                                                    MessageEmbed... embeds)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        embeds - The new MessageEmbeds to use
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided embeds are null, or more than 10
      • editMessageEmbedsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageEmbedsById​(long messageId,
                                                                    MessageEmbed... embeds)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        embeds - The new MessageEmbeds to use
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided embeds are null, or more than 10
      • editMessageComponentsById

        WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageComponentsById​(@Nonnull
                                                                java.lang.String messageId,
                                                                java.util.Collection<? extends ComponentLayout> components)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        components - The new component layouts for this message, such as ActionRows
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided components are null, or more than 5 layouts are provided
      • editMessageComponentsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageComponentsById​(long messageId,
                                                                        java.util.Collection<? extends ComponentLayout> components)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        components - The new component layouts for this message, such as ActionRows
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided components are null, or more than 5 layouts are provided
      • editMessageComponentsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageComponentsById​(@Nonnull
                                                                        java.lang.String messageId,
                                                                        ComponentLayout... components)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        components - The new component layouts for this message, such as ActionRows
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided components are null, or more than 5 layouts are provided
      • editMessageComponentsById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageComponentsById​(long messageId,
                                                                        ComponentLayout... components)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        components - The new component layouts for this message, such as ActionRows
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided components are null, or more than 5 layouts are provided
      • editMessageById

        WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                      java.lang.String messageId,
                                                      java.lang.String name,
                                                      AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message id, data, or filename is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                              java.lang.String messageId,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        This is a shortcut to editMessageById(java.lang.String,, String, AttachmentOption...) by way of using File.getName().

        editMessageById(messageId, file, file.getName())

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message id or file is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                              java.lang.String messageId,
                                                              java.lang.String name,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file, message id, or filename is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                              java.lang.String messageId,
                                                              byte[] data,
                                                              java.lang.String name,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message id, data, or filename is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              java.lang.String name,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided data or filename is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        This is a shortcut to sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) by way of using File.getName().

        sendFile(file, file.getName())

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              java.lang.String name,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file or filename is null.
      • editMessageById

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> editMessageById​(long messageId,
                                                              byte[] data,
                                                              java.lang.String name,
                                                              AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit an existing message sent by this webhook.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editMessageById(messageId, file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The message id. For interactions this supports "@original" to edit the source message of the interaction.
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided data or filename is null.
      • deleteMessageById

        RestAction<java.lang.Void> deleteMessageById​(@Nonnull
                                                     java.lang.String messageId)
        Delete a message from this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The id for the message to delete
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided message id is null or not a valid snowflake
      • deleteMessageById

        default RestAction<java.lang.Void> deleteMessageById​(long messageId)
        Delete a message from this webhook.

        If this is an InteractionHook this method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        messageId - The id for the message to delete