Interface Webhook

    • Field Detail


        static final java.util.regex.Pattern WEBHOOK_URL
        Pattern for a Webhook URL.


        Javadoc is stupid, this is not a required tag
        Index Name Description
        0 N/A The entire link
        1 id The ID of the webhook
        2 token The token of the webhook
        You can use the names with and the index with
    • Method Detail

      • getJDA

        JDA getJDA()
        The JDA instance of this Webhook.
        The current JDA instance of this Webhook
      • isPartial

        boolean isPartial()
        Whether this webhook cannot provide getChannel() and getGuild().
        This means that the webhook is not local to this shard's cache and cannot provide full channel/guild references.
        True, if getChannel() and getGuild() would throw
      • getGuild

        Guild getGuild()
        The Guild instance for this Webhook.
        This is a shortcut for getChannel().getGuild().
        The current Guild of this Webhook
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this webhooks is partial
      • getChannel

        TextChannel getChannel()
        The TextChannel instance this Webhook is attached to.
        The current TextChannel of this Webhook
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If this webhooks is partial
      • getOwner

        Member getOwner()
        The owner of this Webhook. This will be null for some Webhooks, such as those retrieved from Audit Logs.
        This requires the member to be cached. You can use getOwnerAsUser() to get a reference to the user instead.
        Possibly-null Member instance representing the owner of this Webhook.
      • getOwnerAsUser

        User getOwnerAsUser()
        The owner of this Webhook. This will be null for some Webhooks, such as those retrieved from Audit Logs.
        This can be non-null even when getOwner() is null. getOwner() requires the webhook to be local to this shard and in cache.
        Possibly-null User instance representing the owner of this Webhook.
      • getDefaultUser

        User getDefaultUser()
        The default User for this Webhook.

        The User returned is always fake and cannot be interacted with.
        This User is used for all messages posted to the Webhook route (found in getUrl()), it holds the default references for the message authors of messages by this Webhook.

        When POSTing to a Webhook route the name/avatar of this default user can be overridden.

        A fake User instance representing the default webhook user.
        See Also:
        Execute Webhook Docs
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        The name of this Webhook.
        This will be displayed by default as the author name of every message by this Webhook.

        This is a shortcut for getDefaultUser().getName().

        The name of this Webhook
      • getToken

        java.lang.String getToken()
        The execute token for this Webhook.
        This can be used to modify/delete/execute this Webhook.

        Note: Some Webhooks, such as those retrieved from Audit Logs, do not contain a token

        The execute token for this Webhook
      • getUrl

        java.lang.String getUrl()
        The POST route for this Webhook.
        This contains the token and id of this Webhook. Some Webhooks without tokens (such as those retrieved from Audit Logs) will return a URL without a token.

        The route returned by this method does not need permission checks to be executed.
        It is implied that Webhook messages always have all permissions including mentioning everyone.

        Webhook executions are limited with 5 requests per second. The response contains rate limit headers that should be handled by execution frameworks. (Learn More)

        The execution route for this Webhook.
      • delete

        AuditableRestAction<java.lang.Void> delete​(@Nonnull
                                                   java.lang.String token)
        Deletes this Webhook.

        The following ErrorResponses are possible:

        token - The webhook token (this is not the bot authorization token!)
        The rest action to delete this Webhook.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided token is null