Interface InteractionHook

    • Method Detail

      • getInteraction

        Interaction getInteraction()
        The interaction attached to this hook.
        The Interaction
      • getExpirationTimestamp

        default long getExpirationTimestamp()
        The unix millisecond timestamp for the expiration of this interaction hook.
        An interaction hook expires after 15 minutes of its creation.
        The timestamp in millisecond precision
        See Also:
        System.currentTimeMillis(), isExpired()
      • isExpired

        default boolean isExpired()
        Whether this interaction has expired.
        An interaction hook is only valid for 15 minutes.
        True, if this interaction hook has expired
        See Also:
      • setEphemeral

        InteractionHook setEphemeral​(boolean ephemeral)
        Whether messages sent from this interaction hook should be ephemeral by default.
        This does not affect message updates, including deferred replies sent with sendMessage(...) methods.
        When a message is ephemeral, it will only be visible to the user that used the interaction.

        Ephemeral messages have some limitations and will be removed once the user restarts their client.

        • Cannot be deleted by the bot
        • Cannot contain any files/attachments
        • Cannot be reacted to
        • Cannot be retrieved
        ephemeral - True if messages should be ephemeral
        The same interaction hook instance
      • getJDA

        JDA getJDA()
        The JDA instance for this interaction
        The JDA instance
      • retrieveOriginal

        RestAction<Message> retrieveOriginal()
        Retrieves the original reply to this interaction.
        This doesn't work for ephemeral messages and will always cause an unknown message error response.
        RestAction - Type: Message
      • editOriginal

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<Message> editOriginal​(@Nonnull
                                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit the source message sent by this interaction.
        For ComponentInteraction.editComponents(Collection) and ComponentInteraction.deferEdit() this will be the message the components are attached to. For Interaction.deferReply() and Interaction.reply(String) this will be the reply message instead.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        This method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editOriginal(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for WebhookClient.sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided data, or filename is null.
      • editOriginal

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<Message> editOriginal​(@Nonnull
                                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit the source message sent by this interaction.
        For ComponentInteraction.editComponents(Collection) and ComponentInteraction.deferEdit() this will be the message the components are attached to. For Interaction.deferReply() and Interaction.reply(String) this will be the reply message instead.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        This method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        This is a shortcut to editOriginal(, String, AttachmentOption...) by way of using File.getName().

        editOriginal(file, file.getName())

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editOriginal(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file is null.
      • editOriginal

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<Message> editOriginal​(@Nonnull
                                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit the source message sent by this interaction.
        For ComponentInteraction.editComponents(Collection) and ComponentInteraction.deferEdit() this will be the message the components are attached to. For Interaction.deferReply() and Interaction.reply(String) this will be the reply message instead.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        This method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         File file = new File("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editOriginal(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        file - The File data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for WebhookClient.sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided file or filename is null.
      • editOriginal

        default WebhookMessageUpdateAction<Message> editOriginal​(@Nonnull
                                                                 byte[] data,
                                                                 java.lang.String name,
                                                                 AttachmentOption... options)
        Edit the source message sent by this interaction.
        For ComponentInteraction.editComponents(Collection) and ComponentInteraction.deferEdit() this will be the message the components are attached to. For Interaction.deferReply() and Interaction.reply(String) this will be the reply message instead.
        The provided file will be appended to the message. You cannot delete or edit existing files on a message.

        This method will be delayed until the interaction is acknowledged.

        Uploading images with Embeds
        When uploading an image you can reference said image using the specified filename as URI attachment://filename.ext.


         WebhookClient hook; // = reference of a WebhookClient such as interaction.getHook()
         EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
         InputStream file = new FileInputStream("image.png"); // the name in your file system can be different from the name used in discord
         embed.setImage("attachment://cat.png") // we specify this in sendFile as "cat.png"
              .setDescription("This is a cute cat :3");
         hook.editOriginal(file, "cat.png").setEmbeds(;

        Possible ErrorResponses include:

          The webhook is no longer available, either it was deleted or in case of interactions it expired.
          The message for that id does not exist
        data - The InputStream data to upload to the webhook.
        name - The file name that should be sent to discord
        Refer to the documentation for WebhookClient.sendFile(, String, AttachmentOption...) for information about this parameter.
        options - Possible options to apply to this attachment, such as marking it as spoiler image
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided data or filename is null.
      • deleteOriginal

        default RestAction<java.lang.Void> deleteOriginal()
        Delete the original reply.
        This doesn't work for ephemeral messages.