All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractChannel |
AccountManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for the logged in account.
AccountType |
Represents the type of account that is logged in.
AccountTypeException |
ActionRow |
One row of interactive message components.
ActionType |
Activity |
Activity.ActivityType |
The type game being played, differentiating between a game and stream types.
Activity.Emoji |
Emoji for a custom status.
Activity.Timestamps |
Represents the start and end timestamps for a running match
ActivityFlag |
AllowedMentions<R> |
Represents the operations used to whitelist/blacklist mentions.
AnnotatedEventManager |
ApplicationCommandCreateEvent |
Indicates that a Command was created.
ApplicationCommandDeleteEvent |
Indicates that a Command was deleted.
ApplicationCommandUpdateEvent |
Indicates that a Command was updated.
ApplicationInfo |
Represents a Discord Application from its bot's point of view.
ApplicationTeam |
Meta-data for the team of an application.
AttachmentOption |
AudioManager |
AudioManager deals with creating, managing and severing audio connections to
VoiceChannels .
AudioNatives |
Controller used by JDA to ensure the native
binaries for opus en-/decoding are available.
AudioReceiveHandler |
Interface used to receive audio from Discord through JDA.
AudioSendHandler |
Interface used to send audio to Discord through JDA.
AuditableRestAction<T> |
Extension of RestAction to allow setting a reason, only available to accounts of AccountType.BOT
AuditLogChange |
Plain-Old-Java-Object (POJO) representing a single
change for an AuditLogEntry !
This object holds the old- and new value for the
updated field.
AuditLogEntry |
AuditLogKey |
AuditLogOption |
Enum constants for possible options
Providing detailed description of possible occasions and expected types.
AuditLogPaginationAction |
BaseCommand<T extends BaseCommand<T>> |
Button |
Represents a Message Button.
ButtonClickEvent |
Indicates that a custom Button on one of the bots messages was clicked by a user.
ButtonInteraction |
Interaction on a Button component.
ButtonStyle |
The available styles used for Buttons .
CacheFlag |
Flags used to enable cache services for JDA.
CacheView<T> |
Read-only view on internal JDA cache of items.
CacheView.SimpleCacheView<T> |
Category |
Represents a channel category in the official Discord API.
CategoryCreateEvent |
CategoryDeleteEvent |
CategoryOrderAction |
CategoryUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that the name of a Category was updated.
CategoryUpdatePermissionsEvent |
CategoryUpdatePositionEvent |
Indicates that the position of a Category was updated.
ChannelAction<T extends GuildChannel> |
ChannelManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a GuildChannel .
ChannelOrderAction |
ChannelType |
Enum used to differentiate between the different types of Discord channels.
ChunkingFilter |
Filter function for member chunking of guilds.
ClientType |
The type of client a user might be active on.
ClosableIterator<T> |
Iterator holding a resource that must be free'd by the consumer.
CloseCode |
Constants representing main gateway close codes with association to an explaining message.
CombinedAudio |
Represents a packet of combined audio data from 0 to n Users.
Command |
Represents a Discord slash-command.
Command.Choice |
Predefined choice used for options.
Command.Option |
An Option for a command.
Command.Subcommand |
An Subcommand for a command.
Command.SubcommandGroup |
An Subcommand Group for a command.
CommandCreateAction |
Specialized RestAction used to create or update commands.
CommandData |
Builder for a Slash-Command.
CommandEditAction |
Specialized RestAction used to edit an existing command.
CommandInteraction |
Interaction of a Slash-Command.
CommandListUpdateAction |
Specialized RestAction used to replace existing commands of a guild or globally.
CommandPrivilege |
Privilege used to restrict access to a command within a Guild .
CommandPrivilege.Type |
The target type this privilege applies to.
Component |
Component of a Message.
Component.Type |
The component types
ComponentInteraction |
ComponentLayout |
ComponentLayout.Type |
The layout types
Compression |
Compression algorithms that can be used with JDA.
ConcurrentSessionController |
ConnectionListener |
Used to monitor an audio connection, ping, and speaking users.
ConnectionStatus |
Represents the connection status of an audio connection.
ContextException |
Used to pass a context to async exception handling for debugging purposes.
ContextException.ContextConsumer |
DataArray |
Represents a list of values used in communication with the Discord API.
DataObject |
Represents a map of values used in communication with the Discord API.
DataType |
Enum constants representing possible types for a DataObject value.
DefaultSendFactory |
DefaultSendSystem |
DefaultShardManager |
DefaultShardManagerBuilder |
Used to create new instances of JDA's default ShardManager implementation.
DelayedCompletableFuture<T> |
Specialized CompletableFuture used in combination with a scheduler.
DeprecatedSince |
In combination with Deprecated specifies when this feature was marked as deprecated.
DirectAudioController |
Direct access to internal gateway communication.
DisconnectEvent |
Indicates that JDA has been disconnected from the remote server.
EmbedBuilder |
EmbedType |
Represents the embedded resource type.
Emoji |
Represents a Discord Emoji.
Emote |
Represents a Custom Emote.
EmoteAddedEvent |
EmoteManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for an Emote .
EmoteRemovedEvent |
Indicates that an Emote was removed from a Guild.
EmoteUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that the name of an Emote changed.
EmoteUpdateRolesEvent |
Indicates that the role whitelist for an Emote changed.
ErrorHandler |
ErrorResponse |
ErrorResponseException |
ErrorResponseException.ErrorCode |
ErrorResponseException.SchemaError |
Schema error which supplies more context to a ErrorResponse.
Event |
Top-level event type
All events JDA fires are derived from this class.
EventListener |
ExceptionEvent |
Indicates that JDA encountered a Throwable that could not be forwarded to another end-user frontend.
ExTermDecoder |
Decodes an ETF encoded payload to a java object representation.
ExTermEncoder |
Encodes an object into a binary ETF representation.
ExTermTag |
Tags used for encoding and decoding for external terms.
ForRemoval |
Functionality annotated with ForRemoval will no longer be supported
and should not be used anymore in new code.
GatewayEncoding |
Encoding mode used by the gateway for incoming and outgoing payloads.
GatewayIntent |
Flags which enable or disable specific events from the discord gateway.
GatewayPingEvent |
Indicates that the gateway ping has been updated by the heartbeat cycle.
GenericApplicationCommandEvent |
Indicates that a Command event was fired.
GenericCategoryEvent |
Indicates that a Category was created/deleted/updated.
GenericCategoryUpdateEvent<T> |
GenericComponentInteractionCreateEvent |
GenericEmoteEvent |
Indicates that an Emote was created/removed/updated.
GenericEmoteUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that an Emote was updated.
GenericEvent |
GenericGuildEvent |
Indicates that a Guild event is fired.
GenericGuildInviteEvent |
Indicates that an Invite was created or deleted in a Guild .
GenericGuildMemberEvent |
Indicates that a Guild member event is fired.
GenericGuildMemberUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that a Guild member event is fired.
GenericGuildMessageEvent |
GenericGuildMessageReactionEvent |
GenericGuildUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that a Guild was updated.
GenericGuildVoiceEvent |
Indicates that a Guild voice event is fired.
GenericGuildVoiceUpdateEvent |
GenericInteractionCreateEvent |
Indicates that an Interaction was created in a channel.
GenericMessageEvent |
Indicates that a Message was created/deleted/changed.
GenericMessageReactionEvent |
Indicates that a MessageReaction was added/removed.
GenericPermissionOverrideEvent |
GenericPrivateMessageEvent |
GenericPrivateMessageReactionEvent |
GenericRoleEvent |
Indicates that a Role was created/deleted/changed.
GenericRoleUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that a Role was updated.
GenericSelfUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that a SelfUser changed or started an activity.
GenericStageInstanceEvent |
GenericStageInstanceUpdateEvent<T> |
GenericStoreChannelEvent |
GenericStoreChannelUpdateEvent<T> |
GenericTextChannelEvent |
GenericTextChannelUpdateEvent<T> |
GenericUserEvent |
Indicates that a User changed or started an activity.
GenericUserPresenceEvent |
Indicates that the presence of a User has changed.
GenericUserUpdateEvent<T> |
Indicates that a user has updated their presence on discord.
GenericVoiceChannelEvent |
GenericVoiceChannelUpdateEvent<T> |
Guild |
Represents a Discord Guild .
Guild.Ban |
Represents a Ban object.
Guild.BoostTier |
The boost tier for this guild.
Guild.ExplicitContentLevel |
The Explicit-Content-Filter Level of a Guild.
Guild.MetaData |
Meta-Data for a Guild
Guild.MFALevel |
Represents the Multifactor Authentication level required by the Guild.
Guild.NotificationLevel |
Represents the Notification-level of the Guild.
Guild.NSFWLevel |
Represents the NSFW level for this guild.
Guild.Timeout |
Guild.VerificationLevel |
Represents the Verification-Level of the Guild.
GuildAction |
GuildAction.ChannelData |
GuildChannel information used for the creation of Channels within
the construction of a Guild via GuildAction.
GuildAction.RoleData |
Mutable object containing information on a Role
of the resulting Guild that is constructed by a GuildAction instance
GuildAvailableEvent |
Indicates that a Guild became available.
GuildBanEvent |
Indicates that a User was banned from a Guild .
GuildChannel |
Represents a Guild channel.
GuildInviteCreateEvent |
GuildInviteDeleteEvent |
GuildJoinEvent |
Indicates that you joined a Guild .
GuildLeaveEvent |
Indicates that you left a Guild .
GuildManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Guild .
GuildMemberJoinEvent |
GuildMemberLeaveEvent |
GuildMemberRemoveEvent |
Indicates that a user was removed from a Guild .
GuildMemberRoleAddEvent |
Indicates that one or more Roles were assigned to a Member .
GuildMemberRoleRemoveEvent |
Indicates that one or more Roles were removed from a Member .
GuildMemberUpdateAvatarEvent |
GuildMemberUpdateBoostTimeEvent |
Indicates that a Member updated their Guild boost time.
GuildMemberUpdateEvent |
Fired for every Member update, regardless of cache.
GuildMemberUpdateNicknameEvent |
GuildMemberUpdatePendingEvent |
Indicates that a Member has agreed to Membership Screening requirements.
GuildMessageDeleteEvent |
Indicates that a Guild Message was deleted.
GuildMessageEmbedEvent |
GuildMessageReactionAddEvent |
GuildMessageReactionRemoveAllEvent |
Indicates that the reactions for a Message were cleared by a moderator in a guild.
GuildMessageReactionRemoveEmoteEvent |
Indicates that all reactions for a specific emoji/emote were removed by a moderator.
GuildMessageReactionRemoveEvent |
GuildMessageReceivedEvent |
GuildMessageUpdateEvent |
GuildReadyEvent |
Indicates that a Guild finished setting up
This event is fired if a guild finished setting up during login phase.
GuildTimeoutEvent |
Indicates that a guild failed to ready up and timed out.
GuildUnavailableEvent |
Indicates that a Guild became unavailable.
GuildUnavailableException |
GuildUnbanEvent |
Indicates that a User was unbanned from a Guild .
GuildUpdateAfkChannelEvent |
Indicates that the afk-channel of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateAfkTimeoutEvent |
GuildUpdateBannerEvent |
GuildUpdateBoostCountEvent |
GuildUpdateBoostTierEvent |
GuildUpdateCommunityUpdatesChannelEvent |
Indicates that the community updates channel of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateDescriptionEvent |
GuildUpdateExplicitContentLevelEvent |
GuildUpdateFeaturesEvent |
Indicates that the features of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateIconEvent |
Indicates that the Icon of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateLocaleEvent |
Indicates that the Locale of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateMaxMembersEvent |
GuildUpdateMaxPresencesEvent |
GuildUpdateMFALevelEvent |
GuildUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that the name of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateNotificationLevelEvent |
GuildUpdateNSFWLevelEvent |
GuildUpdateOwnerEvent |
Indicates that the owner of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateRegionEvent |
GuildUpdateRulesChannelEvent |
Indicates that the rules channel of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateSplashEvent |
Indicates that the splash of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateSystemChannelEvent |
Indicates that the system channel of a Guild changed.
GuildUpdateVanityCodeEvent |
GuildUpdateVerificationLevelEvent |
GuildVoiceDeafenEvent |
Indicates that a Member was (un-)deafened.
GuildVoiceGuildDeafenEvent |
Indicates that a Member was (un-)deafened by a moderator.
GuildVoiceGuildMuteEvent |
Indicates that a Member was (un-)muted by a moderator.
GuildVoiceJoinEvent |
GuildVoiceLeaveEvent |
GuildVoiceMoveEvent |
GuildVoiceMuteEvent |
Indicates that a Member was (un-)muted.
GuildVoiceRequestToSpeakEvent |
GuildVoiceSelfDeafenEvent |
Indicates that a Member (un-)deafened itself.
GuildVoiceSelfMuteEvent |
Indicates that a Member (un-)muted itself.
GuildVoiceState |
GuildVoiceStreamEvent |
Indicates that a Member started or ended a stream.
GuildVoiceSuppressEvent |
Indicates that a Member was (un-)suppressed.
GuildVoiceUpdateEvent |
GuildVoiceVideoEvent |
Indicates that a Member turned on their camera.
HierarchyException |
HttpException |
HttpRequestEvent |
IAudioSendFactory |
IAudioSendSystem |
Interface that acts as a UDP audio packet sending loop.
Icon |
Icon containing a base64 encoded jpeg/png/gif/gifv image.
Icon.IconType |
Supported image types for the Discord API.
IEventManager |
An interface for JDA's EventManager system.
IFakeable |
Deprecated. |
IMentionable |
Marks a mentionable entity.
Incubating |
Functionality annotated with Incubating might change in a future release.
InsufficientPermissionException |
Indicates that the user is missing a Permission for some action.
Interaction |
Abstract representation for any kind of Discord interaction.
InteractionCallbackAction |
A callback action is used to acknowledge an Interaction .
InteractionCallbackAction.ResponseType |
The possible types of interaction responses.
InteractionFailureException |
InteractionHook |
Webhook API for an interaction.
InteractionType |
Enum for interaction types.
InterfacedEventManager |
Invite |
Representation of a Discord Invite.
Invite.Channel |
POJO for the channel information provided by an invite.
Invite.EmbeddedApplication |
POJO for the target application information provided by an invite.
Invite.Group |
POJO for the group information provided by an invite.
Invite.Guild |
POJO for the guild information provided by an invite.
Invite.InviteTarget |
POJO for the target of this invite.
Invite.InviteType |
Enum representing the type of an invite.
Invite.TargetType |
A TargetType indicates additional action to be taken by the client on accepting the invite,
typically connecting external services or launching external applications depending on the specific TargetType.
InviteAction |
Invite Builder system created as an extension of RestAction
Provides an easy way to gather and deliver information to Discord to create Invites .
IOBiConsumer<T,R> |
IOConsumer<T> |
IOFunction<T,R> |
IPacketProvider |
Represents the connection between a IAudioSendSystem and
JDA's internal audio system, providing access to audio packets built from data provided from
AudioSendHandlers .
IPermissionHolder |
Marker for entities that hold Permissions within JDA
ISnowflake |
Marks a snowflake entity.
The core of JDA.
JDA.ShardInfo |
Represents the information used to create this shard.
JDA.Status |
Represents the connection status of JDA and its Main WebSocket.
JDABuilder |
Used to create new JDA instances.
JDAInfo |
Contains information to this specific build of JDA.
ListedEmote |
ListenerAdapter |
ListenerProxy |
LockIterator<T> |
Manager<M extends Manager<M>> |
MarkdownSanitizer |
Implements and algorithm that can strip or replace markdown in any supplied string.
MarkdownSanitizer.SanitizationStrategy |
MarkdownUtil |
Member |
Represents a Guild-specific User.
MemberAction |
RestAction extension
specifically designed to allow bots to add Users to Guilds.
MemberCachePolicy |
Policy which decides whether a member (and respective user) should be kept in cache.
MemberCacheView |
Message |
Represents a Text message received from Discord.
Message.Attachment |
Represents a Message file attachment.
Message.Interaction |
Message.MentionType |
Mention constants, useful for use with Patterns
Message.MessageFlag |
Enum representing the flags on a Message.
MessageAction |
Extension of a default RestAction
that allows setting message information before sending!
MessageActivity |
MessageActivity.ActivityType |
MessageActivity.Application |
Represents the Application of a MessageActivity, if it has been set.
MessageBuilder |
MessageBuilder.Formatting |
MessageBuilder.SplitPolicy |
MessageBuilder.SplitPolicy.CharSequenceSplitPolicy |
MessageBulkDeleteEvent |
Indicates that a bulk deletion is executed in a TextChannel .
MessageChannel |
Represents a Discord channel that can have Messages and files sent to it.
MessageDeleteEvent |
MessageEmbed |
Represents an embed displayed by Discord.
MessageEmbed.AuthorInfo |
Class that represents the author of content, possibly including an icon
that Discord proxies.
MessageEmbed.Field |
Represents a field in an embed.
MessageEmbed.Footer |
Class that represents a footer at the bottom of an embed
MessageEmbed.ImageInfo |
Represents the information provided to embed an image.
MessageEmbed.Provider |
Multipurpose class that represents a provider of content,
whether directly through creation or indirectly through hosting.
MessageEmbed.Thumbnail |
Represents the information Discord provided about a thumbnail image that should be
displayed with an embed message.
MessageEmbed.VideoInfo |
Represents the information provided to embed a video.
MessageEmbedEvent |
MessageHistory |
MessageHistory.MessageRetrieveAction |
Constructs a MessageHistory object with initially retrieved Messages before or after a certain pivot message id.
MessagePaginationAction |
MessageReaction |
An object representing a single MessageReaction from Discord.
MessageReaction.ReactionEmote |
Represents an Emoji/Emote of a MessageReaction
This is used to wrap both emojis and emotes
MessageReactionAddEvent |
Indicates that a user added a reaction to a message
This includes unicode and custom emoji
MessageReactionRemoveAllEvent |
Indicates the the reactions of a message have been cleared by a moderator
MessageReactionRemoveEmoteEvent |
Indicates that all reactions for a specific emoji/emote were removed by a moderator.
MessageReactionRemoveEvent |
Indicates that a user removed the reaction on a message
MessageReceivedEvent |
MessageReference |
An object representing a reference in a Discord message.
MessageSticker |
An object representing a sticker in a Discord message.
MessageSticker.StickerFormat |
MessageType |
Represents the different types of Messages that can be received from Discord.
MessageUpdateEvent |
MiscUtil |
MissingAccessException |
OnlineStatus |
Represents the online presence of a Member .
OptionData |
Builder for a Slash-Command option.
OptionMapping |
OptionType |
The available types for Command options.
OpusPacket |
A raw OPUS packet received from Discord that can be used for lazy decoding.
OrderAction<T,M extends OrderAction<T,M>> |
Extension of RestAction - Type: Void
that allows to modify the order of entities provided as an ArrayList .
PaginationAction<T,M extends PaginationAction<T,M>> |
RestAction specification used
to retrieve entities for paginated endpoints (before, after, limit).
PaginationAction.PaginationIterator<E> |
ParsingException |
Permission |
Represents the bit offsets used by Discord for Permissions.
PermissionException |
PermissionOverride |
Represents the specific Member or Role
permission overrides that can be set for channels.
PermissionOverrideAction |
PermissionOverrideCreateEvent |
PermissionOverrideDeleteEvent |
PermissionOverrideUpdateEvent |
PermOverrideManager |
Presence |
The Presence associated with the provided JDA instance
PrivateChannel |
Represents the connection used for direct messaging.
PrivateChannelCreateEvent |
PrivateChannelDeleteEvent |
Deprecated. |
PrivateMessageDeleteEvent |
PrivateMessageEmbedEvent |
PrivateMessageReactionAddEvent |
Indicates that a MessageReaction was added to a Message in a PrivateChannel.
PrivateMessageReactionRemoveEvent |
Indicates that a MessageReaction was removed from a Message in a PrivateChannel.
PrivateMessageReceivedEvent |
PrivateMessageUpdateEvent |
Procedure<T> |
RateLimitedException |
Indicates that we received a 429: Too Many Requests response
RawGatewayEvent |
Wrapper for the raw dispatch event received from discord.
ReactionPaginationAction |
ReadyEvent |
Indicates that JDA finished loading all entities.
ReconnectedEvent |
Indicates if JDA successfully re-established its connection to the gateway.
Region |
Represents the Regions used for Audio connections.
ReplaceWith |
Functionality annotated with ReplaceWith should be replaced immediately
with the mentioned code fragment.
ReplyAction |
Request<T> |
Response |
RestAction<T> |
A class representing a terminal between the user and the discord API.
RestFuture<T> |
Result<T> |
Represents a computation or task result.
ResumedEvent |
Indicates that JDA successfully resumed its connection to the gateway.
RichPresence |
RichPresence.Image |
Used to hold information on images within a Rich Presence profile
RichPresence.Party |
Holds information on a player's party
Role |
Represents a Guild 's Role.
Role.RoleTags |
Tags associated with this role.
RoleAction |
RoleCreateEvent |
Indicates that a Role was created.
RoleDeleteEvent |
Indicates that a Role was deleted.
RoleIcon |
An object representing a Role's icon.
RoleManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Role .
RoleOrderAction |
RoleUpdateColorEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its color.
RoleUpdateHoistedEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its hoist state.
RoleUpdateIconEvent |
Indicates that the Icon of a Role changed.
RoleUpdateMentionableEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its mentionable state.
RoleUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its name.
RoleUpdatePermissionsEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its permissions.
RoleUpdatePositionEvent |
Indicates that a Role updated its position.
SelectionMenu |
Represents a selection menu in a message.
SelectionMenu.Builder |
A preconfigured builder for the creation of selection menus.
SelectionMenuEvent |
Indicates that a custom SelectionMenu on one of the bots messages was used by a user.
SelectionMenuInteraction |
SelectOption |
SelfUpdateAvatarEvent |
Indicates that the avatar of the current user changed.
SelfUpdateDiscriminatorEvent |
Indicates that the discriminator of the current user changed.
SelfUpdateMFAEvent |
Indicates that the mfa level of the current user changed.
SelfUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that the name of the current user changed.
SelfUpdateVerifiedEvent |
Indicates that the verification state of the current user changed.
SelfUser |
Represents the currently logged in account.
SerializableArray |
Allows custom serialization for JSON payloads of an object.
SerializableData |
Allows custom serialization for JSON payloads of an object.
SessionController |
Controls states and behaviour of one or multiple JDA instances.
SessionController.SessionConnectNode |
Represents a WebSocketClient request to start a session.
SessionController.ShardedGateway |
POJO containing the gateway endpoint and recommended shard total for a shard manager.
SessionControllerAdapter |
ShardCacheView |
Read-only view on internal ShardManager cache of JDA instances.
ShardManager |
This class acts as a manager for multiple shards.
ShutdownEvent |
Indicates that JDA has fully disconnected from Discord and will not attempt to reconnect again.
SlashCommandEvent |
SnowflakeCacheView<T extends ISnowflake> |
SortedSnowflakeCacheView<T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T> & ISnowflake> |
Specialized CacheView for entities that occur in a specified order.
SpeakingMode |
Flags representing the speaking modes used by discord users.
StageChannel |
Represents a Stage Channel.
StageInstance |
A Stage Instance holds information about a live stage.
StageInstance.PrivacyLevel |
The privacy level for a stage instance.
StageInstanceAction |
StageInstanceCreateEvent |
StageInstanceDeleteEvent |
StageInstanceManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a StageInstance .
StageInstanceUpdatePrivacyLevelEvent |
StageInstanceUpdateTopicEvent |
StatusChangeEvent |
Indicates that our Status changed.
StoreChannel |
Represents a Discord Store GuildChannel.
StoreChannelCreateEvent |
StoreChannelDeleteEvent |
StoreChannelUpdateNameEvent |
StoreChannelUpdatePermissionsEvent |
StoreChannelUpdatePositionEvent |
SubcommandData |
Builder for a Slash-Command subcommand.
SubcommandGroupData |
Builder for a Slash-Command group.
SubscribeEvent |
TargetType |
TargetType for an ActionType
This describes what kind of Discord entity is being targeted by an auditable action!
Task<T> |
Represents an asynchronous task.
TeamMember |
TeamMember.MembershipState |
The membership state on the team.
Template |
Representation of a Discord Guild Template
This class is immutable.
TemplateChannel |
POJO for the channels information provided by a template.
TemplateChannel.PermissionOverride |
Represents the specific Role
permission overrides that can be set for channels.
TemplateGuild |
POJO for the guild information provided by a template.
TemplateManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Template .
TemplateRole |
POJO for the roles information provided by a template.
TextChannel |
Represents a Discord Text GuildChannel.
TextChannelCreateEvent |
TextChannelDeleteEvent |
TextChannelUpdateNameEvent |
TextChannelUpdateNewsEvent |
Indicates that a TextChannel 's has been converted into a news channel
or reverted into a normal channel.
TextChannelUpdateNSFWEvent |
TextChannelUpdateParentEvent |
TextChannelUpdatePermissionsEvent |
TextChannelUpdatePositionEvent |
TextChannelUpdateSlowmodeEvent |
TextChannelUpdateTopicEvent |
ThreadLocalReason |
Thread-Local audit-log reason used automatically by AuditableRestAction instances
when no other reason was set.
ThreadLocalReason.Closable |
Allows to use try-with-resources blocks for setting reasons
ThreadPoolProvider<T extends java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService> |
TimeFormat |
Utility enum used to provide different markdown styles for timestamps.
Timestamp |
Utility class representing Discord Markdown timestamps.
TimeUtil |
UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent |
Indicates that you joined a Guild that is not yet available.
UnavailableGuildLeaveEvent |
Indicates that you left a Guild that is not yet available.
UnifiedMemberCacheView |
UpdateEvent<E,T> |
Indicates that a value of an entity was updated
UpdateInteractionAction |
User |
Represents a Discord User.
User.Profile |
Represents the information contained in a User 's profile.
User.UserFlag |
Represents the bit offsets used by Discord for public flags
UserActivityEndEvent |
UserActivityStartEvent |
UserAudio |
Represents a packet of User specific audio.
UserTypingEvent |
Indicates that a User started typing.
UserUpdateActivitiesEvent |
Indicates that the activities of a guild member changed.
UserUpdateActivityOrderEvent |
UserUpdateAvatarEvent |
Indicates that the Avatar of a User changed.
UserUpdateDiscriminatorEvent |
Indicates that the discriminator of a User changed.
UserUpdateFlagsEvent |
UserUpdateNameEvent |
Indicates that the username of a User changed.
UserUpdateOnlineStatusEvent |
VanityInvite |
Meta data for the vanity invite of a guild
VerificationLevelException |
Deprecated. |
VoiceChannel |
Represents a Discord Voice GuildChannel.
VoiceChannelCreateEvent |
VoiceChannelDeleteEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdateBitrateEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdateNameEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdateParentEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdatePermissionsEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdatePositionEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdateRegionEvent |
VoiceChannelUpdateUserLimitEvent |
VoiceDispatchInterceptor |
Interceptor used to handle critical voice dispatches.
VoiceDispatchInterceptor.VoiceServerUpdate |
VoiceDispatchInterceptor.VoiceStateUpdate |
VoiceDispatchInterceptor.VoiceUpdate |
Abstraction for all relevant voice updates
Webhook |
An object representing Webhooks in Discord
Webhook.ChannelReference |
Partial Channel which references the source channel for a follower webhook.
Webhook.GuildReference |
Partial Guild which references the source guild for a follower webhook.
Webhook.WebhookReference |
WebhookAction |
Webhook Builder system created as an extension of RestAction
Provides an easy way to gather and deliver information to Discord to create Webhooks .
WebhookClient<T> |
Interface which allows sending messages through the webhooks API.
WebhookManager |
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for a Webhook .
WebhookMessageAction<T> |
Extension of a default RestAction
that allows setting message information before sending!
WebhookMessageUpdateAction<T> |
WebhookType |
WidgetUtil |
The WidgetUtil is a class for interacting with various facets of Discord's
guild widgets
WidgetUtil.BannerType |
Represents the available banner types
Each of these has a different appearance:
WidgetUtil.Widget |
WidgetUtil.Widget.Member |
WidgetUtil.Widget.VoiceChannel |
WidgetUtil.Widget.VoiceState |
WidgetUtil.WidgetTheme |
Represents the color scheme of the widget
These color themes match Discord's dark and light themes