Interface OrderAction<T,​M extends OrderAction<T,​M>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The entity type for the List of entities contained in the OrderAction's orderList
    M - The extension implementing the abstract operations of this OrderAction, this will be important for chaining convenience as it returns the specific implementation rather than a mask of this class. It allows us to implement chaining operations in this class instead of having to implement it in every inheriting class!
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    CategoryOrderAction, ChannelOrderAction, RoleOrderAction

    public interface OrderAction<T,​M extends OrderAction<T,​M>>
    extends RestAction<java.lang.Void>
    Extension of RestAction - Type: Void that allows to modify the order of entities provided as an ArrayList.
    This action contains a List or entities for the specified type T which can be moved within the bounds but not removed, nor can any new entities be added.
    • Method Detail

      • setCheck

        M setCheck​(@Nullable
                   java.util.function.BooleanSupplier checks)
        Description copied from interface: RestAction
        Sets the last-second checks before finally executing the http request in the queue.
        If the provided supplier evaluates to false or throws an exception this will not be finished. When an exception is thrown from the supplier it will be provided to the failure callback.
        Specified by:
        setCheck in interface RestAction<T>
        checks - The checks to run before executing the request, or null to run no checks
        The current RestAction for chaining convenience
        See Also:
        RestAction.getCheck(), RestAction.addCheck(BooleanSupplier)
      • timeout

        M timeout​(long timeout,
                  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: RestAction
        Timeout for this RestAction instance.
        If the request doesn't get executed within the timeout it will fail.

        When a RestAction times out, it will fail with a TimeoutException. This is the same as deadline(System.currentTimeMillis() + unit.toMillis(timeout)).


         action.timeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 10 seconds from now
               .queueAfter(20, SECONDS); // request will not be executed within deadline and timeout immediately after 20 seconds
        Specified by:
        timeout in interface RestAction<T>
        timeout - The timeout to use
        unit - Unit for the timeout value
        The same RestAction instance with the applied timeout
        See Also:
        RestAction.setDefaultTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
      • deadline

        M deadline​(long timestamp)
        Description copied from interface: RestAction
        Similar to RestAction.timeout(long, TimeUnit) but schedules a deadline at which the request has to be completed.
        If the deadline is reached, the request will fail with a TimeoutException.

        This does not mean that the request will immediately timeout when the deadline is reached. JDA will check the deadline right before executing the request or within intervals in a worker thread. This only means the request will timeout if the deadline has passed.


         action.deadline(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000) // 10 seconds from now
               .queueAfter(20, SECONDS); // request will not be executed within deadline and timeout immediately after 20 seconds
        Specified by:
        deadline in interface RestAction<T>
        timestamp - Millisecond timestamp at which the request will timeout
        The same RestAction with the applied deadline
        See Also:
        RestAction.timeout(long, TimeUnit), RestAction.setDefaultTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
      • isAscendingOrder

        boolean isAscendingOrder()
        Whether this instance uses ascending order, from the lowest position to the highest.
        True, if this uses ascending order
      • getCurrentOrder

        java.util.List<T> getCurrentOrder()
        Immutable List representing the currently selected order of entities in this OrderAction instance
        Immutable List representing the current order
      • selectPosition

        M selectPosition​(int selectedPosition)
        Selects a new current entity at the specified index
        This index is in correlation to the current order
        selectedPosition - The index for the new position that will be in focus for all modification operations
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the provided position is out-of-bounds
        See Also:
        getSelectedPosition(), getSelectedEntity()
      • selectPosition

        M selectPosition​(@Nonnull
                         T selectedEntity)
        Selects a new current entity based on the index of the specified entity in the current order
        This is a convenience function that uses selectPosition(int) internally
        selectedEntity - The entity for the new position that will be in focus for all modification operations
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        See Also:
        selectPosition(int), getSelectedPosition(), getSelectedEntity()
      • getSelectedPosition

        int getSelectedPosition()
        The currently selected position that is in focus for all modification operations of this OrderAction instance
        The currently selected index, or -1 if no position has been selected yet
      • getSelectedEntity

        T getSelectedEntity()
        The entity which is currently at the selected position
        The currently selected entity
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
      • moveUp

        M moveUp​(int amount)
        Moves the currently selected entity amount positions UP in order by pushing all entities down by one position.
        amount - The amount of positions that should be moved
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified amount would cause the entity to go out-of-bounds
        See Also:
      • moveDown

        M moveDown​(int amount)
        Moves the currently selected entity amount positions DOWN in order by pushing all entities up by one position.
        amount - The amount of positions that should be moved
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified amount would cause the entity to go out-of-bounds
        See Also:
      • moveTo

        M moveTo​(int position)
        Moves the currently selected entity to the specified position (0 based index). All entities are moved in the direction of the left hole to fill the gap.
        position - The new not-negative position for the currently selected entity
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified position is out-of-bounds
        See Also:
        moveDown(int), moveUp(int)
      • swapPosition

        M swapPosition​(int swapPosition)
        Swaps the currently selected entity with the entity located at the specified position. No other entities are affected by this operation.
        swapPosition - 0 based index of target position
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified position is out-of-bounds
      • swapPosition

        M swapPosition​(@Nonnull
                       T swapEntity)
        Swaps the currently selected entity with the specified entity. No other entities are affected by this operation.
        swapEntity - Target entity to switch positions with
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If no entity has been selected yet
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified position is out-of-bounds, or if the target entity is null or not available in this order action implementation
        See Also:
      • reverseOrder

        M reverseOrder()
        Reverses the current order by using Collections.reverse(orderList)
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        See Also:
      • shuffleOrder

        M shuffleOrder()
        Shuffles the current order by using Collections.shuffle(orderList)
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        See Also:
      • sortOrder

        M sortOrder​(@Nonnull
                    java.util.Comparator<T> comparator)
        Sorts the current order based on the specified Comparator by using ArrayList.sort(comparator)
        comparator - Comparator used to sort the current order
        The current OrderAction sub-implementation instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the specified comparator is null
        See Also: