Interface PermissionOverrideAction

    • Method Detail

      • timeout

        PermissionOverrideAction timeout​(long timeout,
                                         java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Description copied from interface: AuditableRestAction
        Timeout for this RestAction instance.
        If the request doesn't get executed within the timeout it will fail.

        When a RestAction times out, it will fail with a TimeoutException. This is the same as deadline(System.currentTimeMillis() + unit.toMillis(timeout)).


         action.timeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 10 seconds from now
               .queueAfter(20, SECONDS); // request will not be executed within deadline and timeout immediately after 20 seconds
        Specified by:
        timeout in interface AuditableRestAction<PermissionOverride>
        Specified by:
        timeout in interface RestAction<PermissionOverride>
        timeout - The timeout to use
        unit - Unit for the timeout value
        The same RestAction instance with the applied timeout
        See Also:
        RestAction.setDefaultTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
      • reset

        default PermissionOverrideAction reset()
        Shortcut for resetAllow().resetDeny().
        The permission override will be empty after this operation
        The current PermissionOverrideAction for chaining convenience
      • resetAllow

        PermissionOverrideAction resetAllow()
        Resets the allowed permissions to the current original value.
        For a new override this will just be 0.
        The current PermissionOverrideAction for chaining convenience
      • resetDeny

        PermissionOverrideAction resetDeny()
        Resets the denied permissions to the current original value.
        For a new override this will just be 0.
        The current PermissionOverrideAction for chaining convenience
      • getRole

        Role getRole()
        The Role for this override
        The role, or null if this is a member override
      • getMember

        Member getMember()
        The Member for this override
        The member, or null if this is a role override
      • getGuild

        default Guild getGuild()
        The Guild for this override
        The guild
      • getAllow

        long getAllow()
        The currently set of allowed permission bits.
        This value represents all granted permissions in the raw bitwise representation.

        Use getAllowedPermissions() to retrieve a List with Permissions for this value

        long value of granted permissions
      • getAllowedPermissions

        default java.util.EnumSet<Permission> getAllowedPermissions()
        Set of Permissions that would be granted by the PermissionOverride that is created by this action.
        Changes to the returned set do not affect this entity directly.
        set of granted Permissions
      • getDeny

        long getDeny()
        The currently set of denied permission bits.
        This value represents all denied permissions in the raw bitwise representation.

        Use getDeniedPermissions() to retrieve a List with Permissions for this value

        long value of denied permissions
      • getDeniedPermissions

        default java.util.EnumSet<Permission> getDeniedPermissions()
        Set of Permissions that would be denied by the PermissionOverride that is created by this action.
        Changes to the returned set do not affect this entity directly.
        set of denied Permissions
      • getInherited

        long getInherited()
        The currently set of inherited permission bits.
        This value represents all permissions that are not explicitly allowed or denied in their raw bitwise representation.
        Inherited Permissions are permissions that are defined by other rules from maybe other PermissionOverrides or a Role.

        Use getInheritedPermissions() to retrieve a List with Permissions for this value

        long value of inherited permissions
      • getInheritedPermissions

        default java.util.EnumSet<Permission> getInheritedPermissions()
        Set of Permissions that would be inherited from other permission holders.
        Permissions returned are not explicitly granted or denied!
        Changes to the returned set do not affect this entity directly.
        set of inherited Permissions
        See Also:
      • isMember

        boolean isMember()
        Whether this Action will create a PermissionOverride for a Member or not
        True, if this is targeting a Member If this is false it is targeting a Role. (isRole())
      • isRole

        boolean isRole()
        Whether this Action will create a PermissionOverride for a Role or not
        True, if this is targeting a Role. If this is false it is targeting a Member. (isMember())
      • setAllow

        default PermissionOverrideAction setAllow​(@Nullable
                                                  java.util.Collection<Permission> permissions)
        Sets the value of explicitly granted permissions using a Collection of Permissions.
        Note: Permissions not marked as isChannel() will have no affect!

        Example: setAllow(EnumSet.of(Permission.MESSAGE_READ))

        permissions - The Collection of Permissions representing the granted permissions for the new PermissionOverride.
        If the provided value is null the permissions are reset to the default of none
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the any of the specified Permissions is null
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        See Also:
        EnumSet, setAllow(Permission...)
      • setAllow

        default PermissionOverrideAction setAllow​(@Nullable
                                                  Permission... permissions)
        Sets the value of explicitly granted permissions using a set of Permissions.
        Note: Permissions not marked as isChannel() will have no affect!
        permissions - The Permissions representing the granted permissions for the new PermissionOverride.
        If the provided value is null the permissions are reset to the default of none
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the any of the specified Permissions is null
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
      • grant

        PermissionOverrideAction grant​(long allowBits)
        Grants the specified permissions.
        This does not override already granted permissions.
        allowBits - The permissions to grant, in addition to already allowed permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
      • grant

        default PermissionOverrideAction grant​(@Nonnull
                                               java.util.Collection<Permission> permissions)
        Grants the specified permissions.
        This does not override already granted permissions.
        permissions - The permissions to grant, in addition to already allowed permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any provided argument is null
      • grant

        default PermissionOverrideAction grant​(@Nonnull
                                               Permission... permissions)
        Grants the specified permissions.
        This does not override already granted permissions.
        permissions - The permissions to grant, in addition to already allowed permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any provided argument is null
      • setDeny

        default PermissionOverrideAction setDeny​(@Nullable
                                                 java.util.Collection<Permission> permissions)
        Sets the value of explicitly denied permissions using a Collection of Permissions.
        Note: Permissions not marked as isChannel() will have no affect!

        Example: setDeny(EnumSet.of(Permission.MESSAGE_WRITE, Permission.MESSAGE_EXT_EMOJI))

        permissions - The Collection of Permissions representing the denied permissions for the new PermissionOverride.
        If the provided value is null the permissions are reset to the default of none
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the any of the specified Permissions is null
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        See Also:
        EnumSet, setDeny(Permission...)
      • setDeny

        default PermissionOverrideAction setDeny​(@Nullable
                                                 Permission... permissions)
        Sets the value of explicitly denied permissions using a set of Permissions.
        Note: Permissions not marked as isChannel() will have no affect!
        permissions - The Permissions representing the denied permissions for the new PermissionOverride.
        If the provided value is null the permissions are reset to the default of none
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the any of the specified Permissions is null
      • deny

        PermissionOverrideAction deny​(long denyBits)
        Denies the specified permissions.
        This does not override already denied permissions.
        denyBits - The permissions to deny, in addition to already denied permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
      • deny

        default PermissionOverrideAction deny​(@Nonnull
                                              java.util.Collection<Permission> permissions)
        Denies the specified permissions.
        This does not override already denied permissions.
        permissions - The permissions to deny, in addition to already denied permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any provided argument is null
      • deny

        default PermissionOverrideAction deny​(@Nonnull
                                              Permission... permissions)
        Denies the specified permissions.
        This does not override already denied permissions.
        permissions - The permissions to deny, in addition to already denied permissions
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any provided argument is null
      • setPermissions

        default PermissionOverrideAction setPermissions​(@Nullable
                                                        java.util.Collection<Permission> grantPermissions,
                                                        java.util.Collection<Permission> denyPermissions)
        Combination of setAllow(java.util.Collection) and setDeny(java.util.Collection)
        First sets the granted permissions and then the denied permissions.
        If a passed collection is null it resets the represented value to 0 - no permission specifics.

        Example: setPermissions(EnumSet.of(Permission.MESSAGE_READ), EnumSet.of(Permission.MESSAGE_WRITE, Permission.MESSAGE_EXT_EMOJI))

        grantPermissions - A Collection of Permissions representing all explicitly granted Permissions for the PermissionOverride
        denyPermissions - A Collection of Permissions representing all explicitly denied Permissions for the PermissionOverride
        The current PermissionOverrideAction - for chaining convenience
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the any of the specified Permissions is null
        InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_PERMISSIONS on the channel and tries to set permissions it does not have in the channel
        See Also:
        EnumSet, Permission.getRaw(Collection)