Interface GuildStickerManager

All Superinterfaces:
AuditableRestAction<Void>, Manager<GuildStickerManager>, RestAction<Void>

public interface GuildStickerManager extends Manager<GuildStickerManager>
Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for GuildSticker.


        .setDescription("Cat dancing")
 manager.reset(GuildStickerManager.NAME | GuildStickerManager.TAGS)
        .setTags("dancing", "dog")
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • reset

      Resets the fields specified by the provided bit-flag pattern. You can specify a combination by using a bitwise OR concat of the flag constants.
      Example: manager.reset(GuildStickerManager.NAME | GuildStickerManager.TAGS);

      Flag Constants:

      Specified by:
      reset in interface Manager<GuildStickerManager>
      fields - Integer value containing the flags to reset.
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
    • reset

      Resets the fields specified by the provided bit-flag patterns.
      Example: manager.reset(GuildStickerManager.NAME, GuildStickerManager.TAGS);

      Flag Constants:

      Specified by:
      reset in interface Manager<GuildStickerManager>
      fields - Integer value containing the flags to reset.
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
    • getGuild

      @Nullable Guild getGuild()
      The Guild this Manager's GuildSticker is in.

      This is null if GuildSticker.getManager() is used on a sticker with an uncached guild.

      The Guild, or null if not present.
      See Also:
    • getGuildIdLong

      long getGuildIdLong()
      The ID of the guild this sticker belongs to.
      The guild id
    • getGuildId

      @Nonnull default String getGuildId()
      The ID of the guild this sticker belongs to.
      The guild id
    • setName

      Sets the name of the sticker.

      A sticker name must be between 2-30 characters long!

      Example: catDance or dogWave

      name - The new name for the sticker (2-30 characters)
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided name is null or not between 2-30 characters long
    • setDescription

      Sets the description of the sticker.

      A sticker description must be between 2-100 characters long!

      description - The new description for the sticker (2-100 characters)
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided description is null or not between 2-100 characters long
    • setTags

      Sets the tags of the sticker.
      These are used for auto-complete when sending a message in the client, and for the sticker picker menu.

      The combined list of sticker tags must at most be 200 characters long!

      Example: catDance or dogWave

      tags - The new tags for the sticker (up to 200 characters)
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • If tags is null
      • If tags is empty
      • If tags contains null or empty strings
      • If the concatenated tags are more than 200 characters long (including commas between tags)
    • setTags

      Sets the tags of the sticker.
      These are used for auto-complete when sending a message in the client, and for the sticker picker menu.

      The combined list of sticker tags must at most be 200 characters long!

      Example: catDance or dogWave

      tags - The new tags for the sticker (up to 200 characters)
      GuildStickerManager for chaining convenience
      IllegalArgumentException -
      • If tags is null
      • If tags is empty
      • If tags contains null or empty strings
      • If the concatenated tags are more than 200 characters long (including commas between tags)