Interface SortedChannelCacheView<T extends Channel & Comparable<? super T>>

Type Parameters:
T - The channel type
All Superinterfaces:
CacheView<T>, ChannelCacheView<T>, Iterable<T>, SnowflakeCacheView<T>, SortedSnowflakeCacheView<T>

public interface SortedChannelCacheView<T extends Channel & Comparable<? super T>> extends ChannelCacheView<T>, SortedSnowflakeCacheView<T>
Specialized ChannelCacheView type used for handling sorted lists of channels.
Sorting is done with respect to the positioning in the official Discord client, by comparing positions and category information.

Internally, this cache view makes a distinction between the varying ChannelTypes and provides convenient methods to access a filtered subset.

See Also: