Enum MessageType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<MessageType>

public enum MessageType extends Enum<MessageType>
Represents the different types of Messages that can be received from Discord.
A normal text based message is DEFAULT.
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final MessageType DEFAULT
      The normal text messages received when a user or bot sends a Message.

      public static final MessageType RECIPIENT_ADD
      Specialized messages used for Groups as a System-Message showing that a new User has been added to the Group. Also used in message threads to indicate a member has joined that thread.

      public static final MessageType RECIPIENT_REMOVE
      Specialized messages used for Groups as a System-Message showing that a new User has been removed from the Group. Also used in message threads to indicate a member has left that thread.
    • CALL

      public static final MessageType CALL
      Specialized message used for Groups as a System-Message showing that a Call was started.

      public static final MessageType CHANNEL_NAME_CHANGE
      Specialized message used for Groups as a System-Message showing that the name of the Group was changed. Also used in message threads to indicate the name of that thread has changed.

      public static final MessageType CHANNEL_ICON_CHANGE
      Specialized message used for Groups as a System-Message showing that the icon of the Group was changed.

      public static final MessageType CHANNEL_PINNED_ADD
      Specialized message used in MessageChannels as a System-Message to announce new pins

      public static final MessageType GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN
      Specialized message used to welcome new members in a Guild

      public static final MessageType GUILD_MEMBER_BOOST
      Specialized message used to announce a new booster

      public static final MessageType GUILD_BOOST_TIER_1
      Specialized message used to announce the server has reached tier 1

      public static final MessageType GUILD_BOOST_TIER_2
      Specialized message used to announce the server has reached tier 2

      public static final MessageType GUILD_BOOST_TIER_3
      Specialized message used to announce the server has reached tier 3

      public static final MessageType CHANNEL_FOLLOW_ADD
      Specialized message used to announce when a crosspost webhook is added to a channel

      public static final MessageType GUILD_DISCOVERY_DISQUALIFIED
      System message related to discovery qualifications.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_DISCOVERY_REQUALIFIED
      System message related to discovery qualifications.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_DISCOVERY_GRACE_PERIOD_INITIAL_WARNING
      System message related to discovery qualifications.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_DISCOVERY_GRACE_PERIOD_FINAL_WARNING
      System message related to discovery qualifications.

      public static final MessageType THREAD_CREATED
      This is sent to a TextChannel when a message thread is created if the message from which the thread was started is "old". The definition of "old" is loose, but is currently a very liberal definition.

      public static final MessageType INLINE_REPLY
      Reply to another message. This usually comes with a referenced message.

      public static final MessageType SLASH_COMMAND
      This message was created by an interaction. Usually in combination with Slash Commands.

      public static final MessageType THREAD_STARTER_MESSAGE
      A new message sent as the first message in threads that are started from an existing message in the parent channel. It only contains a message reference field that points to the message from which the thread was started.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_INVITE_REMINDER
      The "Invite your friends" messages that are sent to guild owners in new servers.

      public static final MessageType CONTEXT_COMMAND
      This message was created by an interaction. Usually in combination with Context Menus.

      public static final MessageType AUTO_MODERATION_ACTION
      This message was created by the automod system.

      Messages from this type usually come with custom embeds containing relevant information, the author is the user that triggered the filter.


      public static final MessageType ROLE_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE
      Sent when someone purchases a role subscription.
      See Also:

      public static final MessageType INTERACTION_PREMIUM_UPSELL
      Sent by a bot when a command is restricted to premium users.
      Contains a button which allows to upgrade to premium.

      public static final MessageType STAGE_START
      Messages created in StageChannels to indicate that a stage instance has started.
      The message content will be the topic and the author is the user who started the stage instance.

      public static final MessageType STAGE_END
      Messages created in StageChannels to indicate that a stage instance has ended.
      The message content will be the topic and the author is the user who ended the stage instance.

      public static final MessageType STAGE_SPEAKER
      Messages created in StageChannels to indicate that a new speaker is up.
      The author is the user who became speaker.

      public static final MessageType STAGE_TOPIC
      Messages created in StageChannels to indicate that a stage instance topic has been changed.
      The message content will be the new topic and the author is the user who updated the topic.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_APPLICATION_PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTION
      Sent to the system channel when a guild administrator subscribes to the premium plan of an application.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_INCIDENT_ALERT_MODE_ENABLED
      Sent when a moderator activates a temporary security measure, such as pausing invites or direct messages.
      The message content is an ISO 8601 timestamp, which indicates when the action expires and disables the security measures automatically.
      See Also:

      public static final MessageType GUILD_INCIDENT_ALERT_MODE_DISABLED
      Sent when a moderator deactivates a temporary security measure, such as pausing invites or direct messages.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_INCIDENT_REPORT_RAID
      Sent when a moderator reports a raid in a guild.
      The message author is the reporter.

      public static final MessageType GUILD_INCIDENT_REPORT_FALSE_ALARM
      Sent when a moderator reports a raid as a false alarm in a guild.

      public static final MessageType PURCHASE_NOTIFICATION
      Sent when a user purchases a product sold in a guild

      public static final MessageType UNKNOWN
      Unknown MessageType.
  • Method Details