Package net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests

Discord API connection internals. Includes REST and WebSocket connections

The Requester is used to create HTTPs requests with the Discord API through Routes.
This automatically handles rate limitations (429) that restrict our request rates. For that it uses an implementation of RateLimiter specific for a certain AccountType.
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The RestAction can be found throughout JDA and allows to specify how the Requester should deal with rate limits. It has extensions with additional functionalities in net.dv8tion.jda.core.requests.restaction.

In the case of a failed Request the RestAction will be provided with an ErrorResponseException which contains a ErrorResponse representing the failure cause!

WebSocket API
The WebSocketClient is used to handle the Event flow and connection to the Discord gateway.
It can send Presence updates that will determine how the Discord Client will display the currently connected account (Online Status / Game)

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