Polling Log

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This page captures the polling log that triggered this build.

Started on Dec 29, 2016 9:06:43 PM
Polling SCM changes on master
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision a91ca8966e6dd453467e47834bf976344f857560 (origin/development)
 > git.exe rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
 > git.exe config remote.origin.url https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA.git # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA.git
 > git.exe --version # timeout=10
using .gitcredentials to set credentials
 > git.exe config --local credential.username DV8FromTheWorld # timeout=10
 > git.exe config --local credential.helper store --file=\"C:\Windows\TEMP\git3548608922313100886.credentials\" # timeout=10
 > git.exe -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 > git.exe config --local --remove-section credential # timeout=10
Polling for changes in
Seen branch in repository origin/3.0
Seen branch in repository origin/addon/message
Seen branch in repository origin/audio
Seen branch in repository origin/dcaTest
Seen branch in repository origin/development
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/build.gradle
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/fix/reactions
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/icon
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/invites
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/messagebuilder
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/reactions
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/requester
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/restaction
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/retrieve-user
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/user-settings
Seen branch in repository origin/feature/webhooks
Seen branch in repository origin/hidden-permissions
Seen branch in repository origin/javadoc
Seen branch in repository origin/legacy
Seen branch in repository origin/master
Seen branch in repository origin/patch-1
Seen branch in repository origin/patch/requests
Seen branch in repository origin/test-dev
Seen branch in repository origin/test4
Seen branch in repository origin/test5
Seen 25 remote branches
 > git.exe log --full-history --no-abbrev --format=raw -M -m --raw a91ca8966e6dd453467e47834bf976344f857560..4d0cc0dc977e6de820b71deb66f92d1329c43d67 # timeout=10
Done. Took 1.1 sec
Changes found