Interface Button

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Component, SerializableData

    public interface Button
    extends Component
    Represents a Message Button.
    These buttons are located below the message in ActionRows.

    Each button has either a custom_id or URL attached. The id has to be provided by the user and can be used to identify the button in the ButtonClickEvent.

    Example Usage

     public class HelloBot extends ListenerAdapter {
       public void onSlashCommand(SlashCommandEvent event) {
           if (event.getName().equals("hello")) {
               event.reply("Click the button to say hello")
                     Button.primary("hello", "Click Me"), // Button with only a label
                     Button.success("emoji", Emoji.fromMarkdown("<:minn:245267426227388416>"))) // Button with only an emoji
           } else if (event.getName().equals("info")) {
               event.reply("Click the buttons for more info")
                   .addActionRow( // link buttons don't send events, they just open a link in the browser when clicked
             "", "GitHub")
                         .withEmoji(Emoji.fromMarkdown("<:github:849286315580719104>")), // Link Button with label and emoji
             "", "Javadocs")) // Link Button with only a label
       public void onButtonClick(ButtonClickEvent event) {
           if (event.getComponentId().equals("hello")) {
               event.reply("Hello :)").queue();
    To see what each button looks like here is an example cheatsheet:
    See Also:
    ReplyAction.addActionRow(Component...), ReplyAction.addActionRows(ActionRow...)
    • Field Detail


        static final int LABEL_MAX_LENGTH
        The maximum length a button label can have
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int ID_MAX_LENGTH
        The maximum length a button id can have
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int URL_MAX_LENGTH
        The maximum length a button url can have
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getLabel

        java.lang.String getLabel()
        The visible text on the button.
        The button label
      • getUrl

        java.lang.String getUrl()
        The target URL for this button, if it is a LINK-Style Button.
        The target URL or null
      • isDisabled

        boolean isDisabled()
        Whether this button is disabled.

        You can use asDisabled() or asEnabled() to create enabled/disabled instances.

        True, if this button is disabled
      • asDisabled

        default Button asDisabled()
        Returns a copy of this button with isDisabled() set to true.
        New disabled button instance
      • asEnabled

        default Button asEnabled()
        Returns a copy of this button with isDisabled() set to false.
        New enabled button instance
      • withDisabled

        default Button withDisabled​(boolean disabled)
        Returns a copy of this button with isDisabled() set to the provided value.
        disabled - True, if this button should be disabled
        New enabled/disabled button instance
      • withEmoji

        default Button withEmoji​(@Nullable
                                 Emoji emoji)
        Returns a copy of this button with the attached Emoji.
        emoji - The emoji to use
        New button with emoji
      • withLabel

        default Button withLabel​(@Nonnull
                                 java.lang.String label)
        Returns a copy of this button with the provided label.
        label - The label to use
        New button with the changed label
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the provided label is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • withId

        default Button withId​(@Nonnull
                              java.lang.String id)
        Returns a copy of this button with the provided id.
        id - The id to use
        New button with the changed id
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the provided id is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
      • withUrl

        default Button withUrl​(@Nonnull
                               java.lang.String url)
        Returns a copy of this button with the provided url.
        url - The url to use
        New button with the changed url
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the provided url is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for url, defined by URL_MAX_LENGTH as 512, is exceeded.
      • withStyle

        default Button withStyle​(@Nonnull
                                 ButtonStyle style)
        Returns a copy of this button with the provided style.

        You cannot use this convert link buttons.

        style - The style to use
        New button with the changed style
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If the provided style is null.
        • If the provided style tries to change whether this button is a LINK button.
      • primary

        static Button primary​(@Nonnull
                              java.lang.String id,
                              java.lang.String label)
        Creates a button with PRIMARY Style.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.
        id - The custom button ID
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • primary

        static Button primary​(@Nonnull
                              java.lang.String id,
                              Emoji emoji)
        Creates a button with PRIMARY Style.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use primary(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        To disable the button you can use asDisabled().

        id - The custom button ID
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
      • secondary

        static Button secondary​(@Nonnull
                                java.lang.String id,
                                java.lang.String label)
        Creates a button with SECONDARY Style.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.
        id - The custom button ID
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • secondary

        static Button secondary​(@Nonnull
                                java.lang.String id,
                                Emoji emoji)
        Creates a button with SECONDARY Style.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use secondary(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        To disable the button you can use asDisabled().

        id - The custom button ID
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
      • success

        static Button success​(@Nonnull
                              java.lang.String id,
                              java.lang.String label)
        Creates a button with SUCCESS Style.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.
        id - The custom button ID
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • success

        static Button success​(@Nonnull
                              java.lang.String id,
                              Emoji emoji)
        Creates a button with SUCCESS Style.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use success(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        To disable the button you can use asDisabled().

        id - The custom button ID
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
      • danger

        static Button danger​(@Nonnull
                             java.lang.String id,
                             java.lang.String label)
        Creates a button with DANGER Style.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.
        id - The custom button ID
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • danger

        static Button danger​(@Nonnull
                             java.lang.String id,
                             Emoji emoji)
        Creates a button with DANGER Style.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use danger(id, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        To disable the button you can use asDisabled().

        id - The custom button ID
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for id, defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH as 100, is exceeded.
      • link

        static Button link​(@Nonnull
                           java.lang.String url,
                           java.lang.String label)
        Creates a button with LINK Style.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.

        Note that link buttons never send a ButtonClickEvent. These buttons only open a link for the user.

        url - The target URL for this button
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for url, defined by URL_MAX_LENGTH as 512, is exceeded.
        • If the character limit for label, defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH as 80, is exceeded.
      • link

        static Button link​(@Nonnull
                           java.lang.String url,
                           Emoji emoji)
        Creates a button with LINK Style.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use link(url, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        To disable the button you can use asDisabled().

        Note that link buttons never send a ButtonClickEvent. These buttons only open a link for the user.

        url - The target URL for this button
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
        • If any provided argument is null or empty.
        • If the character limit for url, defined by URL_MAX_LENGTH as 512, is exceeded.
      • of

        static Button of​(@Nonnull
                         ButtonStyle style,
                         java.lang.String idOrUrl,
                         java.lang.String label)
        Create a button with the provided style, URL or ID, and label.
        The button is enabled and has no emoji attached by default. You can use asDisabled() and withEmoji(Emoji) to further configure it.

        See link(String, String) or primary(String, String) for more details.

        style - The button style
        idOrUrl - Either the ID or URL for this button
        label - The text to display on the button
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
      • of

        static Button of​(@Nonnull
                         ButtonStyle style,
                         java.lang.String idOrUrl,
                         Emoji emoji)
        Create a button with the provided style, URL or ID, and emoji.
        The button is enabled and has no text label. To use labels you can use of(style, idOrUrl, label).withEmoji(emoji)

        See link(String, Emoji) or primary(String, Emoji) for more details.

        style - The button style
        idOrUrl - Either the ID or URL for this button
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -
      • of

        static Button of​(@Nonnull
                         ButtonStyle style,
                         java.lang.String idOrUrl,
                         java.lang.String label,
                         Emoji emoji)
        Create an enabled button with the provided style, URL or ID, label and emoji.

        You can use asDisabled() to disable it.

        See link(String, String) or primary(String, String) for more details.

        style - The button style
        idOrUrl - Either the ID or URL for this button
        label - The text to display on the button
        emoji - The emoji to use as the button label
        The button instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any of the following scenarios occurs:
        • The style is null
        • You provide a URL that is null, empty or longer than 512 characters, as defined by URL_MAX_LENGTH or you provide an ID that is null, empty or longer than 100 characters, as defined by ID_MAX_LENGTH.
        • The label is non-null and longer than 80 characters, as defined by LABEL_MAX_LENGTH.
        • The label is null/empty, and the emoji is also null.