Interface Emote

All Superinterfaces:
Formattable, IMentionable, ISnowflake
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Emote extends IMentionable
Represents a Custom Emote. (Custom Emoji in official Discord API terminology)

You can retrieve the creator of an emote by using Guild.retrieveEmote(Emote) followed by using ListedEmote.getUser().

This does not represent unicode emojis like they are used in the official client! (:smiley: is not a custom emoji)

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getGuild

      @Nullable Guild getGuild()
      The Guild this emote is attached to.

      This is null if the emote is created from a message

      Guild of this emote or null if it is created from a message
    • getRoles

      @Nonnull List<Role> getRoles()
      Roles this emote is active for.
      Learn More
      An immutable list of the roles this emote is active for (all roles if empty)
      IllegalStateException - If this Emote does not have attached roles according to canProvideRoles()
      See Also:
    • canProvideRoles

      boolean canProvideRoles()
      Whether this Emote has an attached roles list. This might not be the case when the emote is retrieved through special cases like audit-logs.

      If this is not true then getRoles() will throw IllegalStateException.

      True, if this emote has an attached roles list
    • getName

      @Nonnull String getName()
      The name of this emote.
      Does not include colons.
      String representation of this emote's name
    • isManaged

      boolean isManaged()
      Whether this emote is managed. A managed Emote is controlled by Discord, not the Guild administrator, typical via a service like BTTV in conjunction with Twitch.
      Learn More
      True, if this emote is managed
    • isAvailable

      boolean isAvailable()
      Whether this emote is available. When an emote becomes unavailable, it cannot be used in messages. An emote becomes unavailable when the BoostTier of the guild drops such that the maximum allowed emotes is lower than the total amount of emotes added to the guild.

      If an emote is added to the guild when the boost tier allows for more than 50 normal and 50 animated emotes (BoostTier is at least TIER_1) and the emote is at least the 51st one added, then the emote becomes unavailable when the BoostTier drops below a level that allows those emotes to be used.
      Emotes that where added as part of a lower BoostTier (i.e. the 51st emote on BoostTier 2) will remain available, as long as the BoostTier stays above the required level.

      True, if this emote is available
    • getJDA

      @Nonnull JDA getJDA()
      The JDA instance of this Emote
      The JDA instance of this Emote
    • delete

      Deletes this Emote.

      Possible ErrorResponses include:

      AuditableRestAction The RestAction to delete this Emote.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this emote is managed by discord (isManaged())
      InsufficientPermissionException - if the Permission MANAGE_EMOTES_AND_STICKERS is not given
    • getManager

      @Nonnull EmoteManager getManager()
      The Manager for this emote, used to modify properties of the emote like name and role restrictions.
      You modify multiple fields in one request by chaining setters before calling RestAction.queue().

      This is a lazy idempotent getter. The manager is retained after the first call. This getter is not thread-safe and would require guards by the user.

      The EmoteManager for this Emote
      IllegalStateException - if this emote is created from a message or the bot does not have access to the emote
      InsufficientPermissionException - If the currently logged in account does not have Permission.MANAGE_EMOTES_AND_STICKERS
    • isAnimated

      boolean isAnimated()
      Whether or not this Emote is animated.

      Animated Emotes are available to Discord Nitro users as well as Bot accounts.

      Whether the Emote is animated or not.
    • getImageUrl

      @Nonnull default String getImageUrl()
      A String representation of the URL which leads to image displayed within the official Discord™ client when this Emote is used
      Discord CDN link to the Emote's image
    • getAsMention

      @Nonnull default String getAsMention()
      Usable representation of this Emote (used to display in the client just like mentions with a specific format)
      Emotes are used with the format <:getName():getId()>
      Specified by:
      getAsMention in interface IMentionable
      A usable String representation for this Emote
      See Also:
    • canInteract

      default boolean canInteract(Member issuer)
      Whether the specified Member can interact with this Emote
      issuer - The User to test
      True, if the provided Member can use this Emote
    • canInteract

      default boolean canInteract(User issuer, MessageChannel channel)
      Whether the specified User can interact with this Emote within the provided MessageChannel
      Same logic as canInteract(issuer, channel, true)!
      issuer - The User to test
      channel - The MessageChannel to test
      True, if the provided Member can use this Emote
    • canInteract

      default boolean canInteract(User issuer, MessageChannel channel, boolean botOverride)
      Whether the specified User can interact with this Emote within the provided MessageChannel
      Special override to exclude elevated bot permissions in case of (for instance) reacting to messages.
      issuer - The User to test
      channel - The MessageChannel to test
      botOverride - Whether bots can use non-managed emotes in other guilds
      True, if the provided Member can use this Emote