Package net.dv8tion.jda.api.managers
Managers that allow to modify (PATCH) existing entities
with either an update task or atomic setters. This also includes classes which allow to
operate on entities like the moderation of a
Manager types allow to directly modify one or more values.
Almost all managers require a RestAction execution.
Interface Summary Interface Description AccountManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for the logged in account.AudioManager AudioManager deals with creating, managing and severing audio connections toVoiceChannels
.ChannelManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aGuildChannel
.DirectAudioController Direct access to internal gateway communication.EmoteManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for anEmote
.GuildManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aGuild
.Manager<M extends Manager<M>> PermOverrideManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aPermissionOverride
.Presence The Presence associated with the provided JDA instanceRoleManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aRole
.StageInstanceManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aStageInstance
.TemplateManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aTemplate
.WebhookManager Manager providing functionality to update one or more fields for aWebhook