Interface CommandInteractionPayload

All Superinterfaces:
Interaction, ISnowflake
All Known Subinterfaces:
CommandAutoCompleteInteraction, CommandInteraction, ContextInteraction<T>, MessageContextInteraction, SlashCommandInteraction, UserContextInteraction
All Known Implementing Classes:
CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent, GenericCommandInteractionEvent, GenericContextInteractionEvent, MessageContextInteractionEvent, SlashCommandInteractionEvent, UserContextInteractionEvent

public interface CommandInteractionPayload extends Interaction
Interactions which provide command data.
This is an abstraction for CommandAutoCompleteInteraction and CommandInteraction.
  • Method Details

    • getCommandType

      @Nonnull Command.Type getCommandType()
      The Type of command this interaction is for.
      The command type
    • getName

      @Nonnull String getName()
      The command name.
      This can be useful for abstractions.

      Note that commands can have these following structures:

      • /name subcommandGroup subcommandName
      • /name subcommandName
      • /name
      You can use getCommandPath() to simplify your checks.
      The command name
    • getSubcommandName

      @Nullable String getSubcommandName()
      The subcommand name.
      This can be useful for abstractions.

      Note that commands can have these following structures:

      • /name subcommandGroup subcommandName
      • /name subcommandName
      • /name
      You can use getCommandPath() to simplify your checks.
      The subcommand name, or null if this is not a subcommand
    • getSubcommandGroup

      @Nullable String getSubcommandGroup()
      The subcommand group name.
      This can be useful for abstractions.

      Note that commands can have these following structures:

      • /name subcommandGroup subcommandName
      • /name subcommandName
      • /name
      You can use getCommandPath() to simplify your checks.
      The subcommand group name, or null if this is not a subcommand group
    • getCommandPath

      @Nonnull default String getCommandPath()
      Combination of getName(), getSubcommandGroup(), and getSubcommandName().
      This will format the command into a path such as mod/mute where mod would be the getName() and mute the getSubcommandName().


      • /mod ban -> "mod/ban"
      • /admin config owner -> "admin/config/owner"
      • /ban -> "ban"
      The command path
    • getCommandString

      @Nonnull default String getCommandString()
      Gets the display string for this command.
      This is similar to the string you see when clicking the interaction name in the client. For non-slash command types, this simply returns getName() instead.

      Example return for an echo command: /say echo phrase: Say this

      The display string for this command
    • getCommandIdLong

      long getCommandIdLong()
      The command id.
      This is the id generated when a command is created via Guild.updateCommands() or similar.

      It is usually preferred to discriminate commands by the command names instead.

      The command id
    • getCommandId

      @Nonnull default String getCommandId()
      The command id
      This is the id generated when a command is created via Guild.updateCommands() or similar.

      It is usually preferred to discriminate commands by the command names instead.

      The command id
    • getOptions

      @Nonnull List<OptionMapping> getOptions()
      The options provided by the user when this command was executed.
      Each option has a name and value.

      For CommandAutoCompleteInteraction, this might be incomplete and unvalidated. Auto-complete interactions happen on incomplete command inputs and are not validated.

      The options passed for this command
    • getOptionsByName

      @Nonnull default List<OptionMapping> getOptionsByName(@Nonnull String name)
      Gets all options for the specified name.

      For CommandAutoCompleteInteraction, this might be incomplete and unvalidated. Auto-complete interactions happen on incomplete command inputs and are not validated.

      name - The option name
      The list of options
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided name is null
      See Also:
    • getOptionsByType

      @Nonnull default List<OptionMapping> getOptionsByType(@Nonnull OptionType type)
      Gets all options for the specified type.

      For CommandAutoCompleteInteraction, this might be incomplete and unvalidated. Auto-complete interactions happen on incomplete command inputs and are not validated.

      type - The option type
      The list of options
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided type is null
    • getOption

      @Nullable default OptionMapping getOption(@Nonnull String name)
      Finds the first option with the specified name.

      For CommandAutoCompleteInteraction, this might be incomplete and unvalidated. Auto-complete interactions happen on incomplete command inputs and are not validated.

      name - The option name
      The option with the provided name, or null if that option is not provided
      IllegalArgumentException - If the name is null